


" To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction " - Sir Isaac Newton

Causality is the acknowledgement that you are the source of your manifestatIons. In other words,everything that you attract into your life is coming to you because of something you are projecting out into the world, and you are therefore responsible for drawing to you all of your circumstances. It's difficult to give up the idea that circumstances just happen to you, as opposed to because of you or your behavior. By remaining an innocent victim of fate, you do not have to acknowledge that you are in any way responsible for what befalls you, and you can continue to hide deep within the vortex of your patterns.

Think back to my friend the perfectionist who consistently attracted sloppy men into her life. As she and I discussed her pattern, she began to consider the possibility that she was projecting something out into the world that was attracting these men. Perhaps it was that she was so well put together and groomed that they gravitated toward her, so that she could reinforce their identity as slobs by comparison. Or perhaps it was simply an issue of chemistry. Regardless of what energy it was that drew these men into her life, she ultimately needed to own up to the fact that she was the cause of her circumstances.

Or let's look at Andrew, a chef who had gotten fired from four different restaurants for inappropriate behavior. In each case, he claimed that the management of the restaurant was to blame. He either said he had been victimized by the management, "set up" by his boss, or not told exactly what it was he was supposed to do. What Andrew needed to look at, however, was the behavior that he was repeating over and over that was causing the pattern to perpetuate. That is not to say that each firing was entirely his fault; it just seems highly unlikely that four different restaurants could have the same issue with him without there being some truth to it. Andrew needed to learn that he played a role in creating his circumstances. Then and only then could he begin to see his pattern and work to release it.

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