


" Surrender doesn't obstruct our power; it enhances it." - Marianne Williamson

Surrender is the transcendence of ego and the release of control. When you surrender to your lessons that arise, you allow yourself to flow with the rhythm of life, rather than struggling against it. The peaks and valleys that mark your personal path become easier to traverse when you surrender to them.

The key to coming to peace with your role as a perpetual student lies in surrendering to what is, rather than trying to create what you envision should be. If resistance has been a theme throughout your life, then surrender will appear in your curriculum. If you are one of those people who always have to do things his way or who posess a strong, willful ego,then surrender will seem like defeat to you. But surrender only signifies defeat in war. In life it signifies transcendence.

This is not to say that you should remain passive and just let life happen to you. Rather, you need to learn to surrender to those circumstances over which you never really had any control anyway. Ironically, as I was working on this very chapter, I had one of those tragic computer glitches, in which I lost twelve pages of material. The moment the screen went blank, I knew I was being tested. I had a choice: I could either get very upset over the lost material, or just surrender to the fact that it was gone and start over. Either way - surrender or no surrender - the reality remained the same. The material was gone whether I surrendered to that fact or became upset about it. Would I have preferred to have not lost all those hours of work? Of course. But there was absolutely nothing I could do about it, so I chose to bypass the drama, went for a walk to clear my head, and then came back to rewrite the lost pages.

If you surrender to the fact that the universe will always present you with lessons, over and over again, you can stop trying to second-guess the divine plan. You will be amazed how much easier life gets when you stop resisting and controlling it, and ride the waves toward the fulfillment of your destiny.

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