


All you need to do is look,listen and trust.

All the answers you are looking for are already within your grasp; all you need to do is look inside, listen,and trust yourself. There is no outside source of wisdom that can give you the answers to any of your innermost question; you alone are your wisest teacher. Deep inside, you already know all you need to know.
We all possess spiritual DNA, which is the inner wisdom that resides within us and transmits messages bout our life path. These messages are signals or directives from your inner source of intuition that guide you toward and through your authentic life. Messages are like illuminated stepping stones along your path that point to the actions you need to take in order to continue your process of growth. They flash and pop in your innermost mind, offering directions and clues, and providing you with all the answers you need.

These powerful hints are availbale to you at any time and can come in a variety of forms. They can come as a "little voice" in your head, or as an intuitive flash. They can arrive in a letter or a phone call or printed on the inside flap of a box of tea. They can sound like a whisper - like Kevin Costner's message in the movie Field of Dreams of " If you build it, they will come" - or like a distant chime. A clue that something is truly a message: It just doesn't go away, no matter how hard you try to ignore it. It reappears until you are willing to listen and honor it.

Even if you are not open to them,your true messages have a way of finding you no matter where you hide. If you shut the door, they come in the window. Seal the window and they will come down the chimney. As the saying goes, "What you resist, persists." Your truth will find you no matter where you hide. Ignoring your inner voice or closing yourself off to your inner truth only invites it to show up in other, more negative ways, such as depression, addictive behavior, or simply discontent. THe sooner you open to your truth, the quicker and farther you can advance along your path. Life flows more smoothly when we heed our inner messages.

Many years ago, when I was living in Boston, I went to dinner with several members of my staff. Three of us had arrived early and were waiting for the remaining four people to show up, and since it was a cold, snowy December night,we went inside to wait for them. They were quite late, and since these were very responsible people, I was puzzled as to where they were.

Nearly an hour later, they still had not arrived. I kept wondering what had happened to them. suddenly I became aware of a small voice in my head, buzzing like an annoying bee, that said, "Go stand on the corner." Now, I was seven months pregnant at that time, and between my large size and the frigid temperature, I had no intention whatsoever of going outside to stand on the corner. I shooed the message away and continued with my conversation.

However, like all true messages, this one simply would not vanish at my command. I kept hearing the message, "Go stand on the corner." Finally, more out of annoyance than anything else, I stood up, wrapped my coat around my huge circumference and excused myself for a moment to - yes, you guessed it  - go stand on the corner. I looked and felt ridiculous.

Within one minute of my arriving on the corner the remaining members of my staff pulled up in their car. They were thrilled to see me, as they had been driving around lost for close to an hour. When they asked me why I happened to be standing out on that corner just as they drove by, I just smiled, rolled my eyes, and replied, "Don't ask." That night I promised myself I would always pay attention to my messages to the best of my ability, no matter how ridiculous they might sound. I knew then that they were my link to all the knowledge already stored within me.

It makes no difference whether your messages show up in ridiculous-sounding mandates like the one I just described or in more direct forms. A recurring message to take your dog to the park is no less important or valid than a message to leave your job at a big corporation and start your own shop. Perhaps the first message is result of your sensing that you need to be in the outdoors more often for the sake of your health, which is just as important as where you earn your living. All messages, silly or not, are powerful truth guides that provide you with direct access to your inner knowing.

IF you listen carefully, you can tune into the frequency that transmits this valuable information to you. The challenge of Rule Nine is to tune in and honor the messages and answers you receive from your spiritual blueprint. Since your mind chatters constantly, it is often difficult to hear the messages that contain the true answers. When you do hear them, however, they may sound bizarre to you if you are out of touch with your true feelings. A thirty-five-year-old highly regarded art dealer may dismiss the answer she receives from within as to why she feels alienated and unfulfilled if that answer tells her she needs to fulfill her lifelong dream of going to medical school to become a psychiatrist. Messages that do not coincide with our agenda are easy to dismiss, but still difficult  to ignore.

By tuning in to your messages, however, you learn what you truly need. When you choose to honor these answers, you can live a life based on your  authentic inner knowing and feelings, thus getting away from feeling " the impostor syndrome." Perhaps that art dealer really would be happier starting her life over and becoming a doctor. Only she and her inner guide can be sure.

To tune in and honor your inner knowing, you need to learn the lessons of listening, trust, and inspiration. These lessons will lead you to a place witin yourself, from which you can access all the answers you need about what will make your experience on Earth a rewarding one.

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